Video Title: Peat-IMPACTS Indonesia
Year: 2020
Duration: 6:29
Call Number: A000151-20


Within Peat-IMPACTS Indonesia, we started an initiative, named #PahlawanGambut​.

#PahlawanGambut​ is a program to gather knowledge, learning, understanding and various ideas related to sustainable peat management by activists, researchers, commercial actors, farmers and the young generation in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan. This collection of knowledge will then be used to jointly strengthen the governance and stakeholder capacity in Indonesia's peatlands.

As part of #PahlawanGambut​, we are currently implementing the Peat Young Research Incubator Program (Program Inkubator Peneliti Muda Gambut/IPMG), which is a training and capacity development program for young men and women in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan organized by ICRAF through Peat-IMPACTS as part of #PahlawanGambut​.


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