Title: Sungai Asam Village Towards Sustainable Peatland Village
Author: Tania Benita, Ni Putu Sekar Trisnaning Laksemi, Sonya Dewi, Dikdik Permadi, Subekti Rahayu, Arga Pandiwijaya, Harry Aksomo, Endri Martini, Aulia Perdana, Iman Sumantri, Nurhayatun Nafsiyah and Dhian Rachmawati
Year: 2024
Call Number: LE00374-24


Sungai Asam Village, located in the Kapuas-Terentang River Peat Hydrological Unit, features dominant farming systems including rubber monoculture, oil palm monoculture, and rainfed rice farming. Efforts to enhance agricultural sustainability focus on improving productivity and resilience through integrated land management and diversification strategies.


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