Title: Bengkarek Village Towards Sustainable Peatland Village
Author: Tania Benita, Ni Putu Sekar Trisnaning Laksemi, Sonya Dewi, Dikdik Permadi, Subekti Rahayu, Arga Pandiwijaya, Harry Aksomo, Endri Martini, Aulia Perdana, Iman Sumantri, Nurhayatun Nafsiyah and Dhian Rachmawati
Year: 2024
Call Number: LE00375-24


Located in the Kapuas-Ambawang River Peat Hydrological Unit, Bengkarek Village features dominant farming system of oil palm monoculture, mixed rubber and ginger monoculture. These 3 farming system are the main sources of the community livelihood, contributing up to 80% of their income.
Efforts to promote sustainability include improving agroforestry practices, enhancing post-harvest handling, and establishing demonstration plots to support resilient and environmentally friendly farming systems.


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